Dallas Koi Kichi Group
2025 Koi Show Competitor’s Information
Show Competitors, please read the following very carefully!
Tank Reservations / Fees:
Dallas Koi Kichi Group (DKK) follows the “English Style” koi show system whereby each competitor will have their own koi tank(s). Competitor entry fee is based on the amount of tanks needed. The fee for the tanks will be $100.00 each. A “Novice” competitor who is entering a koi show for the very first time will get a 20% discount (limit 1 tank).
BONUS: Each koi show competitor will get 2 entry passes to the Aquashella Expo event.
Payment can be made online during registration (preferred) or by check (details below).
Number of Koi per Tank:
Please use the following formula as a guide to determine how many fish can be placed in each 7-foot show tank. Multiply the size category (1-8) of your fish by the number of fish you are showing in that size and then sum up for all fish. Note: Butterfly/Long fin koi are measured nose to base of tail.
- Size 1 = up to 10” (or 25cm)
- Size 2 = 10” up to 13” (or 25 to 33cm)
- Size 3 = 13” up to 16” (or 33 to 41cm)
- Size 4 = 16” up to 19” (or 41 to 48cm)
- Size 5 = 19” up to 22” (or 48 to 56cm)
- Size 6 = 22” up to 25” (or 56 to 64cm)
- Size 7 = 25” up to 28” (or 64 to 71cm)
- Size 8 = 28” and over (or 71cm +)
Example: If you bring one-size 5 koi = 5 points, and two-size 4 koi = 8 pts, and three size 3 koi = 9 points. These six fish would sum up to 5+8+9 = 22 points.
- The show guideline for tank capacity is 30 points – and not to exceed 8 koi per tank to facilitate judging and viewing.
- If during benching, your fish load is determined too great for the tanks reserved; we will move some of your fish into another tank (if available) and charge the standard tank fee.
Once you have determined your tank requirements, please make your tank reservations and payments through our website at dallaskoikichi.org. Register & pay soon, as we’re predicting a complete sell out of available tank space this year.
Deadline for tank reservations will be Monday, May 12, 2025.
While online payment is preferred (www.dallaskoikichi.org) – we will accept checks payable to Dallas Koi Kichi Group (DKK) and deliver/mail to Dallas Koi Kichi Group (DKK), c/o Michael Moffitt, Treasurer, 1209 Southwood Blvd., Arlington TX 76013.
For the safety and health of your fish, DO NOT FEED THEM FOR AT LEAST 7 DAYS PRIOR TO THE SHOW. Fish with undigested food require more oxygen, excrete contaminants into the water, and are more easily stressed.
Fish will be monitored routinely for problems. Show tank water will be tested for ammonia as needed. All koi show tanks will be covered with netting except during the actual judging and viewing times. 24-hour koi security will also be provided.
Competitors release Dallas Koi Kichi Group, Aquashella Expo, and Dallas Market Hall from all liabilities for damages, injuries, or losses during this event.
2025 Koi Show Rules and Regulations
- Koi registration check-in is from 1pm to 6pm on Friday. Late check-in (early Saturday morning) may be permitted by exception/approval from Show Chairman. Owner should be present during check-in.
- The registration check-in form must be filled out completely, signed, and full payment of entry fees made prior to fish being accepted into show. The owner affirms on the check-in form that that to the best of their knowledge, their fish are disease, parasite, and KHV free.
- All fish shown must be the personal and private property of the competitor/registrant. This is a hobbyist show and therefore persons deriving significant income from selling fish will not be allowed to show.
- Benching: Prior to judging, all fish will be measured, classified, photographed, and examined by the show benching committee. The judges may forgive temporary injuries (ex: minor transport injuries). Fish deemed by the benching committee to show signs of disease, significant injury or deformity WILL NOT be allowed in the show.
- Owners must provide a koi bowl/tub and suitable koi net for each koi tank used. If necessary, a single koi net and bowl/tub can be utilized for two adjacent koi tanks with the same owner’s koi.
- Competitors must remain in the registration check-in area until their fish have been benched and released into their tanks.
- NO FISH (once checked-in) may be removed from the show site during the show without approval given by the show chairman. Pack-up and exit will be no earlier than 2pm on Sunday.
- Once fish have been checked-in; NO ONE is allowed to handle any fish except the judges and fish handlers (DKK Koi Wranglers). Anyone wishing to inspect his or her personal fish must first contact the show committee.
- Judging will begin at 10:00am Saturday.
- Only judges and fish handlers and key club personnel will be allowed inside the show area during judging.
- Judging will be open to SILENT viewing. NO COMMENTS by the competitors please.
- All award categories will be filled. Some koi will “move up” to fill slots of fish moved to higher levels.
- All Gin Rin and Doitsu fish MUST show in their respective classes except Shusui which is shown in Asagi/Shusui class, Bekkos will show in Kawarimono class, and all Tanchos will show in Tancho class.
- DKK Koi show variety classes (with examples):
- Kohaku - Normal scaled Kohaku
- Sanke - Normal scaled Sanke
- Showa - Normal scaled Showa
- Utsuri - Normal scaled Utsuri
- Gin Rin A – Gin Rin Scaled Kohaku, Sanke and Showa
- Gin Rin B – Gin Rin Scaled Non-Gosanke
- Asagi/Shusui - Asagi/Shusui
- Goromo/Goshiki - Normal Scaled Goromo and Goshiki
- Tancho - all Tanchos of any type/scalation
- Hikari Muji - Normal scaled/Metallic Ogons and Matsuba Ogons
- Hikari Moyo - Normal Scaled/Metallic patterned koi, i.e. Hariwake, Yamato nishiki, and Kujaku
- Doitsui A - Doitsu Kohaku, Sanke & Showa
- Doitsui B - Non Gosanke Doitsu except for Shusui
- Kawarigoi - All other Normal Scaled koi not listed above including Hajiro, BeniGoi, Kigoi, Chagoi, Bekko, Matsuba, Kanoko, Kage, Ochiba-Shugure, Matsukawabake and crossovers like Goromo Showa and Goshiki Sanke, etc.
15. DKK Size Classification. Benching done in inches. Standard koi are measured submerged, nose to longest end of tail. Butterfly/Long fin koi are measured nose to base of tail.
- Size 1 = up to 10”
- Size 2 = 10” up to 13”
- Size 3 = 13” up to 16”
- Size 4 = 16” up to 19”
- Size 5 = 19” up to 22”
- Size 6 = 22” up to 25”
- Size 7 = 25” up to 28”
- Size 8 = 28” and over
16. The decisions of the judges and show committee are FINAL. The show committee will decide any contingencies not covered by these rules. Any protest or inquiry must be made in writing to the show committee after the conclusion of judging.
17. The following awards will be determined during judging. There may also be friendship awards and a “People’s Choice Award” - determined by public ballet vote. The top award is listed 1st and the award distinction follows down the list.
- Supreme Champion
- Grand Champion A (Gosanke varieties – Kohaku, Sanke, Showa, & Shiro Utsuri)
- Grand Champion B (Non-Gosanke varieties)
- Mature Champion (best size 7 & 8)
- Adult Champion (best size 5 & 6)
- Young Champion (best size 3 & 4)
- Baby Champion (best size 1 & 2)
- Best in Size 1 (up to 10”)
- Best in Size 2 (10” up to 13”)
- Best in Size 3 (13” up to 16”)
- Best in Size 4 (16” up to 19”)
- Best in Size 5 (19” up to 22”)
- Best in Size 6 (22” up to 25”)
- Best in Size 7 (25” up to 28”)
- Best in Size 8 (28” and over)
- Ray Jordan Best Male – Best male fish (identified by owner at benching)
- Best Novice – Best tank of koi (cumulative) whose owner who has never shown before
- Best Tategoi – Young koi that has great potential to become high-quality when older
- Miyabi Award – Best in varieties: Kohaku, Showa, Sanke, Shiro Utsuri
- Botan Award – Best in varieties: Hikarimuji, Asagi, Shusui, Bekko, Hikariutsuri, Hi/Ki Utsuri
- Tsubaki Award – Best in varieties: Hikarimoyo, Tancho, Goromo, Doitsu, Kumonryu
- Sakura Award – Best in varieties: Goshiki, Kawarigoi, Ginrin A&B, Kujaku
- Best Kohaku
- Best Sanke
- Best Showa
- Best Utsuri
- Best Gin Rin A
- Best Gin Rin B
- Best Asagi
- Best Shusui
- Best Goromo
- Best Goshiki
- Best Tancho
- Best Hikari Moyo
- Best Hikari Muji
- Best Doitsu A
- Best Doitsu B
- Best Kawarigoi
- Long Fin Adult (Sizes 4 and over)
- Long Fin Young (Sizes 1 to 3)
18. Pack-up and departure of competition Koi will be NO EARLIER THAN 2pm on Sunday.
19. ALL FISH must be claimed at the conclusion of the show and removed by 4:30pm on Sunday. DKK will not be responsible for fish not claimed by this time.
20. The top few awards may be announced at the show venue at the end of judging on Saturday afternoon. All other awards will be announced at the Awards Banquet Saturday evening.
21. Awards Banquet: The Banquet site will be near the show venue. Space may be limited. Registration and payment can be done early online on the dallaskoikichi.org site.
22. Koi Auction: Competitor’s koi can be entered into the DKK koi auction – to be held on Sunday afternoon. 50% of the sale price will go to DKK to support the club. Owners have the option to donate 100% of the proceeds to DKK. Owners may NOT sell their own koi during the show without this donation.